What is the Standard Design in Covered California Health Plans?

Covered California, the state’s online SHOP exchange for health insurance makes it easy to shop and compare health…
Which Plans are Selected in Covered California?

Small businesses everywhere are preparing for the Affordable Care Reform Act to take effect. When it does, businesses that…
What Factors are Considered in the Selection of Health Plans for Covered California?

Individuals everywhere are preparing for the Affordable Care Reform Act to take effect. When it does, those who do…
How Can You Apply for Health Insurance through SHOP?

With the new Obama Care health insurance law ready to take effect, many employers are currently wondering if they can apply for health insurance…
Do You Need an Agent to Shop for Obama Caren Insurance Plans?

With the new health insurance law looming in the shadows, many people areconcerned about the difficulty of…
Affordable Care Act Options for Self Employed Individuals

If you are self-employed and you have no employees, you are not considered an employer according to the new health care law. Therefore, you are eligible to use the individual marketplace to purchase health insurance for yourself.With so many people now shopping for the right Affordable Care Act insurance provider for their needs, many people […]